The power of the Power Hour

So, it’s September and school is back. I love this month when it feels like a new beginning and a fresh start. More so than January when I actively don’t make any New Year’s resolutions and just want to enjoy my birthday month!

After the more relaxed living over the summer holidays and a lack of routine, which is blissful for those few weeks, I am looking forward to getting back into some kind of work/life rhythm.

I am a list maker. I always have several bits of paper on the kitchen surface with daily ‘things to do’ plus lots of lists in various notebooks and on my phone. Every so often I try and collate the lists and prioritise and tick tasks off. But I have noticed since starting up Barefoot Yoga, I really need to be more organised and business like in my approach to admin, planning and marketing.

I’ve heard of the Power Hour and given how much time I spend daydreaming and being distracted by my phone and general chores in the home, I’ve decided this could be the right approach to me.

So, what is the Power Hour?

In essence, it is an hour of uninterrupted focus devoted to something you really need to get done. An hour where you put 100% effort into one dedicated task or project. It’s normally for something challenging or something you are avoiding. And it really is amazing how much you can get done in one uninterrupted hour. It’s about making yourself sit and stay where you are for an hour doing what you need to get done.

You don’t need to do it all or have a finished, polished piece of work. It could be writing and sending off a few important emails. Working on a draft for some marketing material. Chores in your home or office that bug you. Tasks that stay on your To-do list and never get crossed off…

Top tips for a good Power Hour

  • Work out what you will work on or achieve in your Power Hour. Have your list in front of you.
  • Get everything together that you’ll need.
  • Turn your phone off or hide it away so you aren’t distracted by incoming messages, emails or social media notifications.
  • Have a tea, coffee or glass of water beside you. And go to the loo before you start so you don’t get up from your chair!
  • Add your Power Hour to your diary so that you stick to it and it becomes part of your weekly schedule.
  • Have a blank piece of paper and pen on your desk. If a thought comes to mind, like “I need to collect the dry cleaning” or “I’ve forgotten to order the dog food”, write it down and leave it for when you have finished your hour.
  • Work out when you could most easily fit the time into your routine. It might be super early in the morning or mid-morning. You might schedule in an hour a week, or an hour a day.
  • Set a timer and get going!

Give it a go

At first, you might find that the hour feels a really long time and it is hard for your mind to stay focussed on the task. Having struggled to find time for small tasks I want to get done over the school holidays, I can’t wait for my Power Hour this week! I’m starting with once a week in the morning as that is my most productive time when I feel most awake and energetic. Schedule a Power Hour yourself for this week and give it a try!Home page flower pad

2 thoughts on “The power of the Power Hour

  1. Love this idea Sarah. It’s so easy to drift through a day /week feeling frustrated at having achieved less than you do. A Power Hour….. now that’s what we all need. Xx

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